Old Guy Rant: Passing of a friend

A Political Column by FC resident Larry Wiwi As everyone in the political world now knows, Rush Limbaugh passed away earlier this week and there have been hundreds of tributes already written but if you can stand one more, hopefully mine will be a little different. Like so many millions of listeners, I consider Rush …

Old Guy Rant: The commander in chief

By Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi As a conservative, I have read many columns by Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor among other talents and generally I agree with his assessment on most topics, but recently read a late December article of his in National Review and find myself in disagreement though I am certain …

Old Guy Rant: Back to the future

Political column by FC resident Larry Wiwi Living under the illegitimate reign of Biden for less than a week, it already feels like the 1980’s three movies series Back to the Future where intentional changes to events caused the lives of an entire city to live in an awful, alternate reality.  It took Biden only …

Old Guy Rant: Now what — what do conservatives do moving forward

A political column by FC resident Larry Wiwi My crystal ball is likely no better than yours in these unusual times, but this is what I think we can expect and what we can do. Though I continue to believe the election was stolen and will not accept Biden or Harris as my president, one …

Old Guy Rant: The truth must prevail

A Political Column by Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi George Washington famously stated the “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light,” and that is our challenge right now, to take the pains to bring it to light. Full disclosure: I am a Trump supporter, but with regard to this election, …

Old Guy Rant: Election plus seven and counting, counting, counting

By Old Guy Larry Wiwi, a Franklin County resident As I write this little rant, it has been seven days since the election and we still do not know the outcome of many races, most importantly of course the presidency.  We have a presidency at stake, a country at stake but most important, we have …

Old Guy Rant: principle vs. politics

By Larry Wiwi If you had a chance to watch the confirmation hearings of Judge Amy Coney Barrett or for that matter the hearings of Judge Kavanaugh what you saw on full display was the contrast of principle versus politics and it is very instructive about how to think about this election. The Constitution is …

Old Guy Rant: Who needs fiction?

By Larry Wiwi I mostly quit reading fiction about 15 years ago because I discovered that real life is often more bizarre than anything people can dream up and as I get older it seems to be more true every day. As evidence, consider this: The Democrats nominated a man for president of very questionable stamina …

Old Guy Rant: Think America needs transformed? You need education

By Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi Obama used to tell us America needs to be “transformed” and now it is Biden and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Bernie Sanders, and if you are in that camp you are in need of some serious education. Is America perfect? Of course not, no country is …

Old Guy Rant: The revolution risk of mail-in voting

FC resident Larry Wiwi As you likely know by now there are several states moving ahead with mail in voting with the full support of the Democrat Party since it is an opportunity to commit voter fraud on a scale never known before in American politics. The Democrat allies in the mainstream media are already …