Union County’s new COVID-19 positive test results are in double digits for Monday, November 30

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Union County went double digit in its reporting of positive test results, Monday, November 30.

According to the ISDH coronavirus dashboard, Union County had 15 additional positive test results for a total of 301.

Fayette County had more, but it is a much more populous county than Union. Fayette County reported 23 new positive COVID-19 test results for a total of 1,598. Franklin County had the least of the three counties; however, it was still in double digits. Franklin County recorded 13 new positive test results for a total of 770.

There were no new deaths in the three counties attributable to COVID-19. Thus, the totals remain: Fayette, 34; Franklin, 27; and Union, two.

Indiana had about 1,500 more positive test results than what was reported on Sunday, but it is still less than what the daily amounts have been over the last several weeks. Indiana tallied 5,713 new positive test results for a total of 338,997. There were 38 deaths attributed to the virus, making that total 5,456.